Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day and Night

Two things to tell you about, one the Rasmuson Foundation just had their big Day - the prize-giving ceremony over at the University of Alaska Fairbanks sim. Go check out the beauty and diversity of the pictures on display, and if you'd like to see the real life artists, and photos from the cerimony, they are at Flickr.
Friend of ArtsParks
Cybergrrl Oh built the gallery, as she says, "First as a 'building' - but then I cut loose! When in SL do as your imagination, not the confines of reality, dictates - this is often where galleries fall short. I do want to do more with 3-D, too, but didn't want to over-complicate things at this early stage." Iconolith Taggart also gets much credit for how good the gallery looks; the picture (courtesy of Rasmuson Foundation) gives only a hint of the loveliness. The display is perfect for flying out with your cam and getting the full effect of the art. CG has been working with the Rasmuson Foundation on internet strategy for some time, it's one of many RL organizations getting in on the virtual act, including the MacArthur Foundation which has begun offering grants for virtual world exploration.

Also of note, Lisa Gibbs of the lovely Van Gogh sim told me about their new initiative Tracing Vincent, a web-community and resource about Vincent van Gogh where you can share your thoughts and opinions, rate his paintings and learn more about his life and art, an excellent site to put you in the mood to TP over to Virtual Starry Night .

Due cose da raccontarvi oggi: festa alla sim della University of Alaska Fairbanks per i vincitori dei premi fondazione Rasmuson per l'arte in Alaska. L'arte è bella e molto diversa, e se vuoi vedere i vincitori real, ci sono tutte le immagini a Flickr.
L'ha costruita la galleria l'amica di ArtsParks Cybergrrl Oh : Ha contribuito molto anche Iconolith Taggart per il look della galleria. La disposizione delle immagini invita ad usare la cam per un'effetto panoramico. Cybergrrl lavora con la Rasmuson da circa due anni scoprendo modi in cui l'internet può servire enti non a scopo di lucro: ci sono sempre più fondazioni real che offrono sovvenzioni a favore dell'esplorazione dei mondi virtuali.
Molto interessante anche la notizia che mi ha dato Liza Gibbs della bellissima sim di Van Gogh. Hanno una nuova iniziativa Tracing Vincent un sito web tutto van Gogh. Ci sono informazioni sui quadri e musei, puoi condividere le tue opinioni e idee, votare per il quadro più bello, imparare qualcosa sulla vita del pittore, è un'ottima risorsa che ti farà tornare la voglia di visitare Virtual Starry Night.

1 comment:

Aliza said...

Grazie for the wonderful mention of the Rasmuson Foundation Gallery of Alaskan Art in Second Life. Kudos definitely go out to the very talented Iconolith Taggart at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, without whom the entire foundation of the gallery would not have existed. I just built up from the mountain and platforms she created. And more kudos to the Rasmuson Foundation who had the vision to make this gallery happen and to the team we put together to make it a reality in a virtual world. Couldn't have done it without any of them.