Monday, October 1, 2012

Pictures of Tani

The autumn has arrived here, and as the evenings draw in, so returns the desire to be somewhere warm, in every sense. What could be better then, than an attractive photo show, surrounded by kind and witty people, on a beautiful romantic parcel, Sorrento on sim Chefchaouen.
Tani Thor's photos are a great mixture of gentle landscapes and lively abstracts, I particularly loved this one, Altalena, and 'Tempio', taken on Japan Kansai.

Tani mixes it up with different techniques; photography has always been a passion, and perhaps even more than that, reworking her pictures to bring an even stronger element of real life to Second Life places.

Showing art is just part of her commitment to the cultural side of SL, she's also an accomplished gallerista and builder, something she's had plenty of practice at recently, since her venue, Tanalois,and the Torno Kohime Foundation recently changed sims. The new place - a mixture of orthodox Mediterranean style squares, and sky galleries - is stunning you should visit.
 Here, though, we are min a slice of Sorrento, the home of RASK Alter and Molli Roi. They've captured something of the Southern Italian town, in the Saracen Tower and the generally romantic feel to the place. Check out Tani's art, up for the next week or so, and don't miss the quaint corners of the build, especially if you're with someone special.

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