A blood red skybox encircles spiky white prims, all akimbo, like exotic plants in an alarming conservatory. Aloisio built this over a couple of weeks, late at night, with his beloved Miles Davis playing in the background. The album, and the song had to be Kind of Blue and, initially the build was coming out kind of blue, too.

Aloisio Congrejo: This technique is not a new one for me. I use prims with a blank white texture and light them. That way as you walk among them you get different lighting effects. The first idea, to use only blue lights, gradually changed, and I introduced red lighting effects, so that when the beams cross each other you get patches of purple in the middle.
It's no good hurrying here, you'll miss the point. No two visitors will end up with the same impression, for all is a game of light and shadow, entirely in the eye of the beholder. More a few feet, and a different shaft envelops you. In a busy metaverse where people press in on all sides, Colors of Jazz harks back to calmer days when the prim was king. At the same time, layers of tonality remind us that nothing is certain, that there's more than one way to see yourself and all that surrounds you. It's a place where, if you turn on some jazz and just chill a while, you'll soon find yourself feeling a little less blue.

Colors of Jazz is open at Colore! until the 22nd of May.
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