Also on Saturday,at noon SLT, Good music and a good cause, with a French accent: at the Monet sim Giverny . Soleil Snook let me know about this wonderful-sounding classical baroque concert! Swiss duo Tom Dowd and Françoise Pronguét will be performing 15th Century music, streamed inworld in aid of the Pancreatic Cancer Reasearch Fund UK, so another for your weekend calendar, at trip over to the Bistro Le Chat on sim Giverny.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Scripted weekender
Also on Saturday,at noon SLT, Good music and a good cause, with a French accent: at the Monet sim Giverny . Soleil Snook let me know about this wonderful-sounding classical baroque concert! Swiss duo Tom Dowd and Françoise Pronguét will be performing 15th Century music, streamed inworld in aid of the Pancreatic Cancer Reasearch Fund UK, so another for your weekend calendar, at trip over to the Bistro Le Chat on sim Giverny.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The eyes have it
A recevoir tant de cervelles estrangeres,
et si fortes, et si grandes,
il est necessaire que la sienne se foule,
se contraigne et rappetisse,
pour faire place aux autres.
Montaigne 1:XXIV
It's always been a weakness of mine, a man in a kilt, or rather, commenting on a man in a kilt. The possibilities for humour are almost endless. Last night these was just such a specimen at the opening of the black and white photography show of Newbab Zsigmond at Tanalois. Newbab's photos are just splendid, real-world pictures with that otherworldly aura only black and white can reveal, the veiled spectre of feelings frozen in time, in a face, in a landscape. It is hard to believe it is his first solo photo show, he and partner Merlina Rokocoko are stand-out talents in their own right, as well as generous patrons and enthusiastic promotors of art in and off-world via the PiRats sims and their excellent website which, for some bizarre reason, I'd not thought of adding to the 'Other Blogs in English' list to your left. Until now. He has a wonderful eye for a landscape, and the portraits, many of them Merlina in RL, are just beautiful. Really worth checking out.
The man in the kilt was Igor Ballyhoo turned out to be more Bosnia than Bannockburn, if you know what I mean. And, yes, apparently it is airy down there. He did the usual wordskirimishing when I asked him if he was a producer or consumer of art, which is understandable, the word 'artist' is so loaded these days and few wish to come off sounding precious, even though they are rightly proud of their accomplishments.
I thought I remembered the name, and then he mentioned his Gargantuan Uterus /me clears throat and quotes from notecard:
Mentre ammiravo le foto ho notato una persona senza occhi e ...senza pantaloni e naturalmente mi sono presentata. Ho riconosciuto il nome, si trattava di Igor Ballyhoo ormai famoso a PiRats per il suo Utero gargantuo.... guarda meno brutto di quanto può sembrare, ci sono piccole navicelle, uno spermatozoide, e un... vabe' non sarò certo io a spiegarti come funzionano queste cose...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Lion Heart
Lion Igaly: The first gallery quickly proved to be too small for all the artists and the pieces I wanted to show, so I got involved with another gallery, and found pieces of land to rent here and there. at one point I was running no less than four separate galleries. As far as prims are concerned, the temprezzer has really solved that problem. Any work that is more than 50 prims in size goes in a temprezzer, so no artist needs to feel he or she is limited by the primcount in the gallery or the size of other people's work.One of the most difficult aspects of running a gallery is finding appropriate and reliable sims on which to set up the gallery. The Diadem, my other gallery, was on two different sims, one of which disappeared in the night taking with it all the art, the hopes and the hard work involved in putting together an art show. This version of the Diadem was also on a sim where the owner appeared to have abandoned SL altogether, and in face just this week it also went to the bottom of the metaversal sea along with all our art. It's really frustrating when owners don't trouble over their tenants and their needs.
Lion Igaly: Of course, there are times when the daily grind involved in the business side of SL can be a bit tiresome, and like everyone I have my days when the prospect of coming inworld and dealing with it all is unappealing. But on the whole SL has brought me into contact with a community that I have been proud to serve, in my own small way. It has enriched my life. It's hard to imagine my life without the friendships have made here, close friends, partners in work and play; I never imagined this was possible before I came into SL, and now, I don't think I'd like to live without it.
Accanto alla sua casa, negozio ha una attività commerciale, vende prodotti come i fuochi d'artificio visibili nella foto qui sopra nella parte inglese. Con i proventi delle vendite di SL porta avanti la sua attività di gallerista senza troppi sforzi. Costruire questa casa è stato emozionante, era alle prime armi anche con quella : non l'ha mai cambiata, ci è affezionato. Lion Igaly: Le difficoltà? All'inizio per me erano immense, non conoscevo tools per costruttori e allineavo i prims a occhio e con grande fatica e tempo. Poi ho seguito dei corsi a INDIRE e le cose sono un po' migliorate... Una volta finito di fare il palazzo ero letteralmente circondato da amici nella sandbox di indire che esprimevano molto bene la loro creatività e li ho invitati a esporre. Ho affittato un terreno, ma era troppo piccolo, ne ho affittati altri intorno per farli esporre e abbiamo creato la prima collettiva artistica, ho fondato il gruppo Orion Tales che ancora oggi espone in permanenza alla Piramide di Indire
Lion Igaly: Questa invece la sandbox di INDIRE, sono nato praticamente qui, in questo angolo. Thirza Ember: La disposizione dello spazio espositivo come la gestisci? voglio dire, puoi ospitare un numero limite di artisti e ad ognuno presumabilmente vengono concessi un certo numero di prims... litigano con te a proposito??
Lion Igaly: Con i temprezzer non è più necessario litigare. Oltre i 50 prim li facco rezzare a tempo, cosi abbiamo sempre prim a sufficienza, e ne avanzano. Lion Igaly: Cerco tutt'ora spazi espositivi per far esporre i miei ragazzi attuali e futuri. Come ti dicevo non so che fine farà questo spazio, l'owner se ne sta disinteressando, quindi sto cercando un altra sede. Hai voglia di fare un po' di scale? C'è anche l'ascensore, ma le scale sono un altra cosa, arrampicarsi in mezzo all'arte appaga gli occhi. Abbiamo anche un teleport che unisce diverse gallerie d'arte italiane, una mia iniziativa... Si sono ritirati coloro che pensavano di fare sim commerciali in SL. Avevano sbagliato l'approccio puoi fare sim commerciali, ma in modo collaborativo e alla pari senza fare il proprietario e basta SL è una comunità, prima di tutto non bisogna urtarne i sentimenti. Qui c'è di tutto: come in RL, ma bisogna dare spazio a quelli che meritano e provare a far giudicare al pubblico. Cerco solo di escludere quelli che in modo palese non hanno mezzi espressivi sufficienti a creare quello che hanno in mente. Per loro ci sarà tempo in seguito per migliorare comunque credo di avere scoperto ed aiutato ad emergere molti dei talenti italiani che ora hanno successo nel mondo di SL più internazionale. A molti dei miei ragazzi arrivano oggi tanti riconoscimenti da tutto il mondo artistico di SL e si stanno facendo valere ti faccio dei nomi: Daco Monday, Zhora Maynard, Solkide Auer, Shellina Winkler, Nessuno myoo, Kicca Igaly, Gleman Jun. In genere li cerco io, li guardo creare nella sandbox, osservo le loro opere quando le rezzano e poi propongo a loro di esporre. Qualcuno è venuto da me, qualcuno l'ho dovuto respingere, altri sono stati molto interessanti e hanno esposto le loro opere nelle mie gallerie, che fino a poco tempo fa erano tre anzi quattro, considerando anche La T&S gallery che avevo in gestione, è stato emozionante scoprire talenti come nessuno Myoo, si sono dimostrati fin da subito un passo avanti. Ci vuole indole e talento e prima o poi il talento vero sboccia come un fiore. Ho assistito a tante fioriture che solo al pensarci mi vengono i brividi è affascinante vedere emergere il talento, che a fatica si fa strada tra i pochi mezzi che l'artista all'inizio ha a disposizione. Un paio di anni fa, quasi spinto dal loro entusiasmo nel creare, mi sono fatto prendere da quello stesso entusiasmo e ho cominciato anche io a cercare di creare qualcosa che trasmettesse emozioni, visioni e simbolismi della mia mente. Dopo il primo anno di esposizioni nella Piramide sentivo la necessità di un palazzo più grande dove ospitare più artisti e più opere e più grosse e ho costruito il Diadem un palazzo che nello stile vuole essere anch'esso una vetrina ideale.
Lion Igaly: Ora ti mostro la più curiosa, a mio giudizio. Prova ad entrare. Si chiama electronic inside, ti sentirai come un elettrone... Sono entrata, l'effetto era davvero molto curioso sembrava il circuito stampato di tutte le cose che avevo in programma di fare questa settimana... curiosa, ho posto a Lion questa domanda
Lion Igaly: Io non avevo la minima idea di quanto bello potesse essere il vivere la comunità di SL in amicizia, anzichè come una esperienza da mettere sotto la lente e basta. Ora lo so, e non voglio rinunciare a questo tipo di vissuto.
Thirza Ember: vorresti anche tu pixellarti? a me ogni tanto torna la voglia...
Lion Igaly: capperi, qui c'è il caso che si viva anche oltre i 100 anni a cui tendiamo su RL, fino al primo crash irreparabile dei server della Linden però, non oltre ahahahaha
Se hai o conosci qualcuno che desidererebbe ospitare questa magnifica galleria, non esitare di contattare Lion Igaly de persona. Sarai ben felice di avere tra gli amici questo bravissimo gallerista dal 'cuor di leone'...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Azul folks
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
Gwendolyn Bieler: Actually, it was named by the founders, the previous owners; the original sim was named Hallelujah Blue after the Leonard Cohen song Hallelujah, then, they opened a "sister sim" and named it Hallelujah Azul. Eventually the first sim closed, but when I took over here, I wanted to retain the original name, and the mood. I think of it as a small town, there is a group of about 20 or so regulars here, usually at the coffee house, very open and friendly, the original builder and myself, are both from the Pacific Northwest and I think that influenced it a lot. I think of it as a very "easy" place to come and relax. Here at the coffee house, people tend to congregate on the patio or like us on the back deck. The first owner, Owly Indigo, loves birds, so that is a motif.
Gwendolyn Bieler: I came into SL about 18 months ago. A RL friend told me about it, and showed me around once I got here. I was skeptical at first, but right away I started making friends and finding beautiful builds and installations. I started out working in interior design, then gradually, as my own style developed, I thought I would start my own line of furniture. Actually it was this sim that encouraged me to do it -- At first it was all social for me, but when a shop opened, I thought - I have to snatch that up, and the furniture came after the shop! lol. I hope this is going to be the first of many art shows on Hallelujah. We have 3 galleries here on the sim and I wanted to support those residents, and the artists whose work they show, as well as many of my own friends. I have really enjoyed curating the show as well; I'd like to repeat this experience, maybe once a season? Art is my passion, really. I am not an artist myself, but am an amateur collector and an art historian. I decided that having great art on the sim will attract the type of people I want to visit.
16 artists who will be on display, with music by Squidfisher McMillan et al. Take a moment to read Squid's picks, there's a graphic novel between the lines.Up in her skybox, Gwen gave me a preview of the things you'll see on the streets of Azul.
Gwendolyn Bieler: It really evolved...I had no idea that art was such a prevalent part of SL, and that there were so many possibilities. That's what I love about this show. There is RL based work, SL based work, and a combination of the two. This Art Walk is coming on the heels of Burning Life, I think that's appropriate. Burning Life is about immersive experience, but I think this is about bringing art into the individual's life. Burning Life can be overwhelming. This is about recognizing how great art occurs in so many forms.
Thirza Ember: Over a glass of good white wine, I hope.
Gwendolyn Bieler: Exactly!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Dark Star: living the dead
Bot: Name this Grateful Dead song title: NonluminousI came, because Vots invited me. And because it was Von Johin, almost mythical owner of the French Quarter and Gibson Island. At the August West Auditorium on sim DarkStar without any thought except that Von's return to SL was unmissable, even though there was bound to be a huge crowd, and it would be hard to cam once the lag set in. But somehow, there was no lag for me, and between one breathtaking song and another, I began to see where we were....
galactic matter
Starling Glitterbuck: dark star
Bot: Starling Glitterbuck answered correctly and
won $1! The next question will appear in 3 minute(s).
This is DarkStar, the sim celebrating the Grateful Dead. My RL avie used to live in the Bay Area, so HaightAshbury means something to me vaguely, and the first real non-military use of ARPANET, the sort of forerunner of today's internet, was to exchange GD files. But this was so much more. A Park to the art of the Grateful Dead - albums, music, lyrics, guitars... it wrranted a return visit...
I did. The information was clear, informative and, for a novice, completely overwhelming. She showed me around the museum, and I learned aabout band members like "Pigpen" McKernan and Mickey Hart.
Thirza Ember: The trivia is a nice touch, I love the interactive element.
Starling Glitterbuck: yeah. I try to make it as interactive as possible, it’s key for me anyway.
Bot: Name this Grateful Dead song title: Possessors of two pairs of X chromosomes possess a greater degree of intelligence
Starling Glitterbuck: I'll show you over here. This section is about the acid tests. I still have more to do on this particular exhibition. Back here are important people in acid this is about the scientific part of it if you click on a pic of a person... you will get an explanation about how they affected acid
Belle Beorn: shouts: whatever u do dont get on the bus!!hahahaha!
Jindrich Radek: but the bus leads to eternal life...and to the twinkee store! ....I’m getting banned aren’t I